Sunday, January 2, 2011

Concrete Jungle. Day 3

Day 3 was good. It started out as a trip to Wall Street and Grand Central, but on the way downtown we came across this cemetery that was covered in the two feet of snow that New York had gotten the days before. I thought it was a cool place to get some photos, so I went in the black-barred gate. 
I was happy with the shots that I had gotten, so I left, but only after stopping in the church to warm up for a second. As I walked in, this is what I saw.

 Then we went to Wall Street, where the sun and haze was just waiting to have it picture taken.

 Then we went to the top of the Rockefeller Center, and saw an amazing sight. I wish my photos could do it justice.

I will live here someday.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Concrete Jungle. Day 2

At first I thought that day 2 wasn't a good day for photos. I just wasn't getting the shots I wanted, or I thought there just wasn't a shot at all. When I got back to the hotel, I was really bummed about the photos I took. I looked through them and quickly dismissed them for the night.

Today, I re-looked at them...

...and I saw that they were good.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Concerte Jungle. Day 1

I love New York City. That's all I have to say.

(Ok, so this one isn't the best quality, but come on, it's a guy proposing at the Rockefeller iceskating rink.)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

When I get bored, I play with me.

Tim Carter plays games with Tim J. Carter, Timothy John Carter, T.J. Carter, Timothy Carter, Thimothy Carter, and T. John Carter (Pictured left to right)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

¡Feliz Navidad!

Bueno, la navidad. Pasé todo el dia con la familia. Estuve con mis padres, abuelitas, sobrinas, y tambien, mi tío. (Es bién, cómo lo digo, cholito). La sobrina está en la foto con su hijita abajo. Después de todas las festividades, fuimos al templo para tomarnos fotos de la escena Navideño. ¡Estoy feliz!